On April 2, 2017, my brother Mike and his wife Rachel welcomed their firstborn, Francis Michael, into the Church. It is a huge honor to be this sweet boy’s godmother who will teach, love, encourage, and pray for him throughout his life in order to become the man God has made him to be.
Proud parents (left) and happy godparents (right) celebrating this historic day in lil Frankie’s life. A special thank you to Father Andrew Jaspers (center) for ministering the sacrament of baptism in the extraordinary form to baby Francis!
Chad, the godfather, and I actually have a funny history together. We were both in the same graduating class at St. Thomas and served together on the executive board of the Undergraduate Student Government during our senior year. Little did we know that in a few short months following our college graduation that our older siblings would start dating and tie the knot! Now with even more in common by having this precious nephew to love, our worlds keep colliding even more. You never know where life will take you, or who you’ll one day be related to!
Ahhhh that precious baby yawn!
The generational legacy of Truso men.
Baby Frankie got to meet his great-grandpa Francis whom he was named after. I look up to all of these men in my life for their convictions of faith, their strength, their wisdom, and their gentle compassion. This moment melts my heart so profoundly.
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